Friday, November 7, 2008

Veteran's Day weekly update

A few short notes:
We began our new math curriculum this week. We were using Houghton Mifflin and now we are using Saxon Math. I am piloting these math programs to see which one we will use next year. Thanks to the students for being flexible! One difference you will notice is that students will use paper folded into 15 sections to complete their 1-30 homework problems. They will usually receive 30 problems a night and they must show any work. Don't worry, most of these problems are pretty easy ;)

There is a holiday "party" after school on December 3 for all 4th and 5th graders. Please email Samantha Holt of Armed Services YMCA at for more info.

Remember, there is a 4 day weekend, so keep your kiddies until Wednesday!