Friday, December 5, 2008

Awards, Projects and more...

I can't believe it! Our "Daily Blog" has been nominated as one of only eight classroom blogs in the country for the prestigious Edublog awards! In the field of education, this is very big. This remindsme that we have to remain consistent with our posts (oops!) but the kids love it and I'm glad this reinforces their hard work. Please go to this site to vote for our class to win!

Second, our California History projects (missions and such) are due on Monday. Remember that EVERY student needs to give a brief oralpresentation. I suggest that they practice and become familiar with 5 simple facts about their topic, nothing too intense.

Lastly, if you have read this far (and hopefully voted for a blog to win) please send a Post-it or other note with your signature and the word "VOTE" on it to school with your child (along with the Weekly Review). Your child will receive a free gift! The purpose of this is simply to give incentive for parents (and kids) to read this newsletter.