Friday, August 29, 2008

Weekly Update 1

Week one complete. So now we know what fourth grade is like. Well... kind of. This week was pretty easy. We spent a lot of time on rules, expectations and procedures. Homework was light, but my expectations for how it needs top be done were laid out. Next week we should be more on track, despite it being only four days long.

Please check your child's planner every evening and look over any work. This really helps them to succeed and also shows that you take a sincere interest in what they are doing. On Fridays, work from the week and papers from the office will be handed out and sent home. Please get in the habit of checking your students work that is sent home, as this will include graded tests. Your child's homework on Friday is to have you sign the bottom of his or her planner when it comes home on Friday. You are not required to sign it every day (for now), but you are encouraged to look at it.

Our Daily Blog is up and running for this year. Check it out!

This next part is very important. Parents need to be aware that some procedures may change throughout the year. I am trying a few new systems in the classroom and they may need to be modified to best serve everyone. Thanks for being flexible.

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