Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update for Sept 18, 2008

Happy Wednesday! From a teacher's perspective, these minimum days go by way too quickly. There are so many things to teach in fourth grade and truly so little time. Please review the daily activities with your child and check over their homework. Also, remember that grade are online, so hold the kids accountable. If they received a poor grade, why? What can they do better next time?

I am always being asked if there is anything we need in class and I have an idea. I have a pot for a plant, but no plant to go into it. Its a small pot, maybe one that could be filled with a little guy from the dollar store or something. Something hardy would be best. If you can donate a small plant that we can pot at school ( we have soil) that would be great. We only need one, so if you can do it, please just post a comment to this post so others will see and know it has been taken care of.

Our blogs are up and running. Many students have already written their own post for our Daily Blog and some are working on projects for our Creativity at Work blog. YOUR JOB: read them over and post a short comment at the bottom. This is very inspiring for the students. Please see this link to learn more about blog comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be glad to bring a plant in next week! Thanks so much!
